Tag - moxibustion

7 Healthy Food To Improve Your Well-being

It’s always easy to get everything to keep you healthy through food.   Here are the top 7 “superfoods” other than veggies that can change your life.   1. Nuts   You might be eating nuts daily because of their benefits. Almond is calcium, fibre, and protein-rich nut. It contains magnesium and zinc, essential to keep your bodily conditions under regulation. Cashews are the next set of powerhouses that offer a healthy dose of protein, fibre and antioxidants to reduce the risk of chronic illness. We consume peanuts in the form of peanut butter spread- it is a protein-rich nut that offers the highest protein. Walnuts are also the best nuts for protein, with a good amount of protein, manganese and copper. Pistachios rank the healthiest nuts that improve motor function and reduce inflammation and stress.   2. Whole Grains   Grains are naturally a source of complex carbohydrates, vitamins, fibre and minerals that helps in maintaining a healthy diet, lowering the risks of heart disease, diabetes and even certain cancers.   Which all are whole grains? - Barley - Brown rice - Oatmeal - Buckwheat - Quinoa - Millet - Popcorn - Whole-wheat bread, pasta or crackers   If you’re not sure about the whole grains ingredient in a product, check the presence of “whole grains” on the package.   3. Dark Chocolate   Many of you might not like the bitter taste of dark chocolate. It is a source of antioxidants. Many studies show that cocoa improves blood flow, decreases oxidized LDL cholesterol and even reduces the risks of heart disease.   Try to buy dark chocolate with around 80-85% cocoa content. Eat only 100 grams and do not consume it daily. 4. Legumes/cereals   Legumes are the best plant-based sources of protein. They’re highly nutritious with zinc, copper, phosphorus and vitamins. There are around 16,000 varieties of legumes in the world.   What are the common legumes that you can consume? - Beans - Peas - Kidney beans - Soybeans - Lentils - Navy beans   Legumes are low in fat, and no cholesterol helps you control weight.   5. Yogurt/curd   Though it’s a dairy product, most yoghurts contain added ingredients such as sugar and artificial flavours, but unsweetened yoghurt offers many health benefits.   Yoghurt provides every nutrient you require- calcium, vitamin B and even minerals. Consuming it every day increases your immune system.     6. Fish & meat   Fatty fish contain vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids to regulate serotonin levels in the body. The best fish to eat are salmon, cod, mahi-mahi, mackerel, sardines, tuna, shrimp, and oysters.   Meat contains iron and magnesium. Common Red meats: Beef, Lamb, Veal, Goat, Bison. White meats: Chicken, turkey, goose   7. Berries   Berries have antioxidants that can improve your skin and hair. They are juicy, containing a lot of water and no calories. Types of berries: blueberries, strawberries, cherries, goji berries, bilberries, acai berries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, mulberries, gooseberries.     Bottom line   Start eating the above foods and add extra energy to your healthy diet.

Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine

As discussed in our previous blogs, Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been practising back at least 2,500 years to 200 BC. According to several studies, TCM aims to correct the imbalances in our body mainly, addressing the external environment and stimulating a healing mechanism.   What are the major branches of TCM?   - Acupuncture - Moxibustion - Qigong - Herbal medicine - Massage - Cupping therapy   The main organs focused on during TCM treatments are Kidneys, Heart, Spleen, Liver, Lung, Gallbladder, Small intestine & large intestine.   Traditional Chinese treatment includes a combination of herbal medicines, therapies and treatments such as acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping or massage.   Let us discuss the benefits of TCM treatments.   - Reduces Chronic Pain and Headaches   TCM treatments that reduce the pain are acupuncture & acupressure. Studies have proven that acupuncture can relieve chronic headaches and other symptoms related to injuries when combined with other treatments.   - Balances Hormones and Improves Fertility   Chinese herbal medicine contains compounds (antioxidants & anti-inflammatory) that can improve the body healing abilities and help in hormone balancing.   TCM therapies like acupuncture help in treating hormonal imbalances.   Massage therapy induces relaxation, raising the energy level helping people improve their living quality and sleep patterns.   - Protects Cognitive Health   Chinese herbs can protect brain health, reduce stress and regulate the body immune response.   Multiple studies suggest that various treatments in TCM benefit cognitive health for various disorders like dementia and Parkinson's disease.   - Lowers the Body Stress Response     Acupuncture is very helpful for managing stress. A study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine shows the effect of tai chi in treating stress and anxiety!   It causes a positive effect on people dealing with depression.   TCM is a complementary health approach. Visit Xiehe medical centre for more information regarding TCM treatments!  
acupuncture treatment


Out of thousand acupuncture points, Yingtang is the most powerful acupuncture point.   This point helps for anxiety and emotional balancing.   It is located at the glabella (3rd eye Chakra spot) - the midpoint between the two eyebrows.   Ying Tang point is also known as ‘Hall of Impressions’ or EX-NH-3. You might have noticed many people massage this point to relieve headaches.   Studies proved that this point helped to normalize neuro-chemical activities. It can calm the general pain, psycho-emotional disorders and benefits the nasal defects.   Effects of Yingtang- (Hall of Impression) Acupuncture Points,   - Stress & Anxiety - Insomnia - Agitation/Restlessness/irritability   Yingtang treatment used for,   1. Frontal headache 2. Eye wrinkles 3. Sinus pain 4. Nasal Congestion 5. Rhinitis     Method of Yingtang (you can try this at home) :   - Find the Yintang point with your middle finger between your eyebrows. - Place the other finger on top of your middle finger. - Massage the point both clockwise and anti-clockwise for 1or 2 minutes while closing your eyes, breathing deeply.   It allows you to loosen your muscle and relax.
Yingtang Acupuncture Treatment   To get the whole experience of Yin Tang, you must consult an expert TCM practitioner.   How does it work?   - Acupuncture therapists pinch up the skin (midpoint between your eyebrows) and needle transversely in the lateral direction. You will have the needle at this point for 10-20 minutes.   How long will this acupuncture treatment take to fix the issues?   Generally, acupuncture is not an immediate result treatment. The therapist creates a tailored plan for each patient after the first session. 3-5 treatments show significant changes in the symptoms.   Are there any risk factors associated?   As you all know, acupuncture treatments carry fewer risk factors.   You can consult your therapist if you’re going through health disorders like bleeding disorders.   To know more about the Yintang acupuncture treatment, contact us today.
Moxibustion Treatment

What is Moxibustion Treatment? Techniques, Benefits, and Side effects.

Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) therapy practiced for more than 2,500 years to cure disorders. Its origin is in China, then spread to Japan and other countries.   Like all TCM therapies, this method helps to balance a consistent flow of energy (qi).   Techniques: How to do Moxibustion?   It is performed by burning small cones of dried herbs on specific points (used in acupuncture) of the body. Acupuncture and moxibustion combine for the treatment of several diseases.   Moxibustion therapists can do it either directly or indirectly. In a direct approach, the therapist keeps cones on points and ignite one end of the cone (moxa) to burn it slowly. Once your skin turns red, the therapist removes the cone.   In the US, generally, therapists use indirect Moxibustion that offers a smooth penetration of warm sensation into the skin without any discomfort.   In this case, practitioners place the moxa on the acupuncture needle and ignite it to burn on the needle. Then transfer the heat to the point through it.   The name of Artemisia Vulgaris herb (mugwort species) used to make Moxa is ‘ai’ or ‘aicao’ in China.     Common illness treated with Moxibustion   Generally, TCM recognizes six factors that influence disharmony in the body and trigger diseases. They are heat, cold, dryness, dampness, summer heat, and wind.   Moxibustion is used for “cold” conditions, and moxa warms the body’s energy channels, promoting the flow of (qi) energy.   The ailments include,   - Cold and flu - Digestive problems - Joint pain - Blood circulation issues - Obstetrical conditions - Gynecological problems - Sports injuries - Tiredness - Arthritis   It’s quite interesting to know that moxibustion can heal menstrual problems and rotate fetuses to a normal position.   moxibustion can heal menstrual problem Health Benefits of Moxibustion   Researches found moxibustion as an effective treatment for various conditions. This treatment may be useful for people who have not seen adequate improvement with other treatments.   It can relieve pain without medications. It is an adjunct to various treatments.   Let’s check out some top benefits :   - Reduces Hot Flashes - Stimulates Blood Circulation - Boost Immune System - Help in Primary Insomnia - Improve cardiac functioning   What is the recovery time for the disease?   The mostly healing process may require 2 to 5 sessions for mild problems.   Are there any side effects to Moxibustion?   Moxibustion has limited side effects. Some of them include,   - There might be scarring after the process. - Patients who are allergic to smoke will find the treatment disturbing. In fact, there are smokeless moxa sticks available in the market.   As always, it is suggested to look for experienced Chinese medical practitioners for the treatment. Get the best results with our experts at Xiehe Medical Center.